Champaign School District #4
Champaign Community Unit School District #4 is a large school district with 18 campuses. This district serves over 9,600 students in grades pre-K through 12, and they employ over 1,400 educators. Energyficient has done work at 4 of the 18 schools in this district, including all 3 of the junior high schools as well as the new Central High School facility.
As with any school, efficiency is key. Because of their strict budgets, it is in the best interest of the school district to save money wherever they can. The goals of this project were to reduce energy costs, improve the quality of light, and consolidate the types of lamps used, providing uniformity across the district.
Occupancy sensors were added to the gymnasium, reducing electric usage by turning the lights off whenever the area is not being used. In addition, high intensity fluorescent fixtures with hinged wire guards were installed in the gymnasium, providing the most durable lighting available on the market today.