Indian Hills Community College
Indian Hills Community College is a community minded institute of higher learning. Their mission is not only to provide students with a strong education, but also to meet the developing needs of the business community in the surrounding small towns and rural areas. The roots of IHCC’s rich history in southern Iowa can be traced all the way back to the 1860’s with the establishment of the Visitation Academy on what is now the Ottumwa Campus. IHCC’s need to constantly evolve to meet the needs of the community has led to many renovations and newly constructed facilities.
Priorities for this project were electrical savings, user comfort, maintenance savings, and parts consolidation. When it was time to bring their systems up-to-date, they turned to the team of professionals at Energyficient.
This project included two buildings: the Net Center and the Student Life Center. In the Net Center, the HID lighting in the court area was replaced with a new direct fluorescent system to get to NCAA recommended light levels of 80fc and uniformity requirements. Controls were added to the court lighting for high/low operation and occupancy based control. All existing wiring to lighting was also replaced.
In the Student Life Center the existing HID lighting in the basketball court/track area was replaced with a new direct fluorescent system. Controls were added to the court lighting for high/low operation and occupancy based control. Racquetball courts were retrofitted with induction lighting kits, with 100,000 hour lamp life. The existing can lights were also retrofitted with new LED retrofits.